Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Wonderful Playmat Gym

Hi everyone!

I must apologise for the lack of post on my Bloggie. I understand from my gor gor that his blog suffers the same miserable fate. Nevertheless, we are quite understanding of this predicament because we're quite a handful for mummy and daddy. (Actually, it's just Mr Lucien that is the troublesome one.)

Anyhow, I would like to show you my favourite past time. It's the lizard stretch on my wonderful playmat gym. It's got bright colours, crinkly flags, fluffy spots, squeaky buttons and lotsa linkdadoos that hang on the overarching cross bars.

It's so fun and sometimes my overage brother tries to squeeze in on the fun!

That's me on the mat doing the lizard stretch.

What's that? Someone placed something beside me.

Ah, it's a drum and there's a pair of hands playing it.

The culprit revealed!

That's all folks!

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